Zeki et al. Neural correlates of mathematical beauty
the experience of visual and musical beaut y (Kawabata and Zeki,
2004; Ishizu and Zeki, 2011), we used similar experimental pro-
cedures to these previous studies. About 2–3 weeks before the
scanning experiment, each subject was given 60 mathematical
formulae (Data Sheet 1: EquationsForm.pdf) to study at leisure
and rate on a scale of −5 (ugly) to +5 (beautiful) according
to how beautiful they experienced them to be. Two weeks later,
they participated in a brain scanning experiment, using func-
tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), during which they
were asked to re-rate the same equations while viewing them
in a Siemens scanner, on an abridged scale of ugly—neutral—
beautiful. The pre-scan ratings were used to balance the sequence
of stimuli for each subject to achieve an even distribution of pre-
ferred and non-preferred equations throughout the experiment.
A few days after scanning, each subject received a questionnaire
(Data Sheet 2: UnderstandingForm.pdf) asking them to (a) report
their level of understanding of each equation on a numerical
scale, from 0 (no understanding) to 3 (profound understanding)
and (b) to report their subjective feelings (including emotional
reaction) when viewing the equations. The data from these ques-
tionnaires (pre-scan beauty ratings, scan-time beauty ratings,
and post-scan understanding ratings) is given in Data Sheet 3:
Stimuli consisting of equations were generated using Cogent 2000
(http://www.vislab.ucl.ac.uk/Cogent2000) and displayed by an
Epson EH-TW5910 LCD projector at a resolution of 1600 × 1200
with a refresh rate of 60 Hz. The display was back-projected onto
a translucent screen (290 × 180 mm, 27.2
× 18.1
visual angle),
which was viewed by subjects using an angled mirror.
Subjects viewed the formulae during four functional scanning
sessions, with breaks between sessions which gave them an oppor-
tunity to take a rest if required and us to correct any anoma-
lies, for example to correct rare omissions in rating a stimulus.
Scans were acquired using a 3-T Siemens Magnetom Trio MRI
scanner fitted with a 32-channel head volume coil (Siemens,
Erlangen, Germany). A B0 fieldmap was acquired using a double-
echo FLASH (GRE) sequence (duration 2
). An echo-planar
imaging (EPI) sequence was applied for functional scans, measur-
ing BOLD (Blood Oxygen Level Dependent) signals (echo time
TE = 30 ms, TR = 68 ms, volume time = 3.264 s). Each brain
image was acquired in an ascending sequence comprising 48
axial slices, each 2 mm thick, with an interstitial gap of 1 mm
and a voxel resolution of 3 × 3 × 3 mm, covering nearly the
whole brain. After functional scanning had been completed a
T1 MDEFT (modified driven equilibrium fourier transform)
anatomical scan was a cquired in the saggital plane to obtain
high resolution structural images (176 slices per volume, constant
isotropic resolution 1 mm, TE = 2.48 ms, TR = 7.92 ms).
Fifteen equations were displayed during each session
(Figure 1A), so that each of the 60 equations appeared once over
the four sessions. Each session started with a blank gray screen
for 19.5 s, followed by 15 trials, each of 16 s, interspersed with
four blanks, each of 16–17 s, to acquire baseline signal. A plain
gray blank screen was used, of an equivalent overall brightness
to the equation screens. Pre-scan beauty ratings were used to
divide the 60 equations into three groups; 20 “low” rated, 20
“medium” rated, and 20 “high” rated equations. The sequence
of equations viewed by each subject in the scanner was then
organized so that 5 low-, 5 medium- and 5 highly-rated equations
appeared in each session and the pseudo-randomized sequence
was organized so that a low-rated equation was never followed by
another low-rated equation and the same held for medium and
highly rated equations. The session ended with a blank screen of
duration 30 s.
Each trial (Figure 1B) began w ith an equation which was dis-
played for 16 s followed by a blank lasting 1 s. The response screen
appeared for 3 s, during which the subject selected interactively
a scan-time beauty rating (Beautiful, Neutral, or Ugly) for each
equation by pressing keypad buttons. A second blank lasting 1–2 s
ended each trial. Equations were all drawn in the same sized font
in white (CIE 1931 XYZ: 755, 761, 637) and the same gr ay back-
ground was used throughout (CIE 1931 XYZ: 236, 228, 200). The
overall screen brightness varied between 280 and 324 cd m
width of equations varied from 4
to 24
visual angle and the
height varied between 1
and 5
SPM8 (Statistical Parametric Mapping, Friston et al., 2006)was
used to analyze the results, as in our previous studies (Zeki and
Romaya, 2010; Ishizu and Zeki, 2011). At the single-subject level
the understanding rating (0–3) and the scan-time beauty rating
(coded as −1 for “Ugly,” 0 for “Neutral,” and 1 for “Beautiful”)
for each equation were included as first and second paramet-
ric modulators, respectively, of a boxcar function which modeled
the appearance of each equation [in fact, the beauty and under-
standing ratings correlated but imperfectly (see behavioral data
below)]. There were fewer “Ugly” rated equations than “Neutral”
or “Beautiful” (see behavioral data below). Indeed, in 2 of the
60 functional sessions there was no “Ugly” rating. This imbal-
ance does not bias the estimation of, or inference about, the
effects of beauty—it only reduces the efficiency with which the
effects can be estimated (Friston et al., 2000). Happily, this reduc-
tion was not severe, because we were able to identify significant
effects. As a result of SPM orthogonalization, the beauty rating
parametric modulator can only capture variance that cannot be
explained by the understanding rating, thus allowing us to dis-
tinguish activations that correlate with beauty alone. Contrast
images for each of the 15 subjects for the parametric beauty rat-
ing and for All equations vs. Baseline were taken to a 2nd-level
(random effects) analysis. We used a conjunction-null analysis
(Nichols et al., 2005), to determine whether there was an overlap,
within mOFC, in regions of parametric activation with beauty
and the general de-activation produced by viewing mathemati-
cal formulae. In order to examine the activity of Ugly, Neutral,
and Beautiful stimuli relative to baseline at locations identified in
the parametric beauty analysis we also carried out a categorical
analysis of the beauty rating alone, by coding contrasts for Ugly,
Neutral, and Beautiful stimuli vs. Baseline for each subject at the
first level and taking these to a 2nd level, random effects, analysis
as before.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience www.frontiersin.org February 2014 | Volume 8 | Article 68
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